MUMC Youth Work Camp-Last Work Day

The following story is from Caleb G.

My resident is an older African-American woman from Georgia. Immediately upon our arrival she welcomed each member of our crew with big hugs. She kept saying, “Oh, I’m so happy y’all are here! I’m just so happy!” She always talks about how blessed she is. She continually offers us “pop”, that’s what New Yorkers call soda, chips, and Kool-Aid, which she puts way too much sugar in, but it’s good anyway. Unfortunately, she lost one of her sons to leukemia almost a year ago. Although she laments Howard, she recognizes that it all falls into God’s plan and knows that he is in a better place. Her continual enthusiasm and perseverance through even the toughest of times has been a inspiration to me and something I will strive to emulate in the future.

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