Outpouring of the Spirit of God at Asbury University

There were tears of gratitude this morning as my sleepy eyes awakened from slumber. Gratitude to Jesus for the privilege of having been part of the prayer team at Asbury University over the last few days. I am still exhausted from our pilgrimage, but wanted to join in with the faithful witness some my colleagues have already shared. I hesitate to say anything, and yet we are called to be witnesses to what God is doing, and God is doing a mighty work of outpouring in Kentucky. It is among the greatest privileges and highlights of my ministry to have witnessed this extravagant move of God. 

I have been in relationships with Seedbed and the New Room Conference since 2019. Because of that relationship the three of us from the 24-7 Prayer Room Frederick, MD were invited to join the one-hour prayer training and be vetted to become part of the Prayer Team who prayed for students who voluntarily came forward to the altar in Hughes and other auditoriums all over the Asbury campus. On Friday, after having made the 7.5 hour drive, we prayed with students from 9 pm until 1 am, and then we started all over again the next day. 

To be clear, this is student led. There are no names mentioned, except the name of Jesus. There is no condemnation, there is no raising of voices, except in worship, there is no “fire and brimstone.” There is just the simple work of the Spirit working in the lives of the students and all who have come to be a part of this outpouring. It has been described as one big hug from God, others have described it as a love fest.

Those coming forward for prayer came in repentance, came seeking more of God, came seeking direction, came seeking restoration of relationships, came seeking the fruit of the Holy Spirit, and so much more. Adults from all over the world were also in attendance, but there was a clear understanding of a preferential option for students 25 years and under. Yet this was inter-generational, from babies to those in their twilight years. 

This movement of the Spirit began with a Gospel choir who sang the closing song of their regularly scheduled worship on Wednesday morning February the 8th, and then, after chapel was dismissed, they lingered, sang another song, and then another one. Some other students lingered and began to pray for each other. The campus adult leaders were aware that students were lingering, and they were aware that more students were gathering, and then, as the momentum grew, they went over to see what God was doing among the students. As this movement grew, the adults were just trying to see how they needed to steward what was happening. They listened to the students and asked for directions of how they could help.

Students from other nearby campuses began to arrive and their worship leaders were invited to lead worship, The only qualification was that they were prayed over for an hour before they began to lead. The worship time in chapel consists of worship—by students, preaching—by students, testimonies—by students, reading of Scripture—by students, and times of silence. Occasionally, those who were stewarding, who are not named, gave a few directions. Sometimes those adult stewards gave a ten minute message as well. 

As one of the stewarding adults have said, “We are learning what to do as we go forward, and trying to listen to the Spirit on how to steward this thing that God is doing. This feels like we are hosting the Super Bowl, but nobody told us we were hosting.”

My experience is that they are doing a beautiful job of hosting, and I saw first-hand that their deepest desire is for this to spread to other campuses, for God’s Spirit to fill up this generation that struggles with so many issues. This generation is called “Gen Z,” but there are many who are praying they will be known as “The Revival Generation.”

Friends in the UMC, this is OUR history, Francis Asbury is OUR story too! It is my prayer that every church that professes Jesus, and every person who calls themselves Christian will pray God’s favor upon what is happening at Asbury. Talk about it in your circles of influence, pray for those who are leading and stewarding, as they are exhausted. Pray for an outpouring of the Spirit upon other campuses, and upon our churches. God is still the God of miracles, and miracles are taking place right there on Asbury campus. 

I will be writing more on my blog in the coming days, because I too, am to be a steward of what I have witnessed, and I have witnessed a true outpouring of the Spirit of God on a dry and thirsty generation. Will you join in the prayer for this generation of students?

P.S. Seedbed has a free on-line Ash Wednesday gathering, register here, and I am sure you will hear more of what is happening at Asbury. (You can always watch afterwards if you are busy at your local church for this night.)